Weekspecial: spalted Beeech - 25% discount


In our weekspecial from 28th Feb till 7th March 2025 you can look forward to 25% off spalted Beech The offer is valid for the entire category, while stocks last.


European beech (Fagus syvatica) © Malene ThyssenThe European beech (Fagus syvatica) is one of the most common deciduous trees in Germany and Central Europe. Its wood has a slightly reddish color and is used extensively in industry, especially in mass manufacturing of furniture. The tree can reach heights of about 115 feet and live to an age of about 300 years, occasionally even older.
The wood is hard, heavy, and can be worked quite well. Whether steamed or not, the wood is quite uniform with little variation. Tumbled beech wood, on the other hand, has fine black veins and a play on colors that make it quite eye-catching.